Wednesday 3 June 2009

Kitsune Noir (Will)

This is the start of my wallpaper for Kitsune Noir which will go live in July 09. The project itself is an amazing oppurtunity for the indivduals and also the collective, it will be seen by a huge audience on the website.

I am still unsure of what i am going to do for this project but this is my initial workings, i have had lots of ideas but with time constraigns i am unsure weather i will be able to get them done. I would like to photograph alot of art and design equipment with the negitive space being the words Kitsune Noir but i am unsure how i will get all of the equipment and also weather it will look as good as i envasage it.

I have another idea of representing all of the files on your desktop with certain textures patterens and then label them so that you can store the different files on your desktop underneath each header. Like a map or a sorting platform for the files.